Friday, April 21, 2017

Smart and Final parking

March 20, 2017

Yep, it's great: even vital, to have a car in Los Angeles.

Freeways with fifteen lanes built in the 1950s mages me wonder why new Sydney freeways are built with two lanes.

However I've discovered something worse than trying to navigate the 101 on a Saturday night....

Parking anywhere in LA after midnight.

So I find myself driving around, and around, and around the block, wondering why it's taking me so long to find a park anywhere near my house.

Finally!  A spot!  No, it's a driveway.  Ok here's one.. Nope, yellow curb.  Red curb.  Double parking hog. Another driveway. Argggh.... this is getting ridiculous.

It took me longer to park than it weeks have taken to walk to the bar, and back again, three times!

Finally found a spot after one hour, right outside the Smart & Final supermarket, and dragged my sorry ass home.

Couldn't have found a better metaphor for this experience.  Sure, it was final.  But not so smart!

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