Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Standing outside the Faultline enjoying some Out-Standing food

May 15 2017

I've been in los angeles two months now and there's no sign of me getting sick of eating Mexican food.  I haven't even started.  The food trucks are everywhere, sometimes they're not even a truck.  They're just loaded up on the pavement with a generator (or an open coal fire) and they're just doing what they do best.

I'd been at the faultline for a few drinks .. non alcoholic of course!  I was ready to head  home then I saw these crunchy deep fried quesadillas and I couldn't help myself.

So I'm just parked up on the street eating one of the items on the far right of the above picture.  Then the owner of the stall kind of gets in front of me and starts spouting something in Spanish.  I can only pick up pieces of what he's saying but he seems kind of upset.  He's standing right in front of me and talking to the other people at the stall.  I guess he's complaining that I'm just sitting there eating the food and not making eye contact. Or something?  Go figure.  Just let me eat my goddamn quesadilla mister.  It's not like I didn't pay for it.

Anway I'm just looking at the ground trying to mind my own business and I'm totally consumed by how amazing this food is.

When I'm done I go to the lady that served me and gushed enthusiastically about how great the food was and what a great job they're doing.  That guy that was going a little crazy seemed very sheepish all of a sudden.  So I guess I'm doing better at translating Spanish than I'd previously guessed.  But boy, I've got a long way to go.

Now for a gratuitous condiment shot.

And just for the record, here's the grill these streetside stalls make their food on.  To die for.  Plus, couldn't resist getting that flattened out Coke box on the ground in the shot!

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